Embedded System is a dedicated system which is used to perform the specific task by the combination of computer hardware and software designed for a specific function. Embedded systems may also function within a larger system.
Industrial machines, consumer electronics, agricultural and processing industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, digital watches, household appliances, airplanes, vending machines and toys, as well as mobile devices, are possible locations for an embedded system.
If you are familiar with all the above said points, then you can start with Embedded Systems Learning.
 You can complete the training within 3 months with minimum 4 hours everyday
Yes, with 2 instalments
Usually, we will conduct entry level test for all the candidates before making an enrollment for training. It depends on the performance of your Entry Level Test as we also provided the training to the candidates at free of cost who secured good marks(you can refer candidate’s reviews from google reviews)